he will end up sharing in the country's suffering, and in his later years he will be reduced to the status of a scarecrow In fact, four years later, in 1926, King Daisochen of Japan died, ushering in the Showa era During the Showa era, Japan was at its peak until it was defeated by the United States, and after the defeat, it lost all real power and was reduced to the status of a scarecrow. However, in his old age, he renounced all fame and fortune and spent the last years of his life in seclusion in the Kirunaru asylum on the outskirts of Sweden. During this time, he made uncanny records of the great changes that were to come to the world and the rise and fall of Asia, including the following 12 signs of the zodiac.
the cycle of each constellation can be calculated to be about two thousand years, and the period in which we are now living corresponds to the last part of the age of Pisces and the transition to the age of Aquarius At this time, according to the principle of the milk cycle, the strength of Europe and America will wane and the strength of the East will grow stronger again.This time of great change will be a time of purification by fire, in which the contradictions that have accumulated will be cleansed. It will begin in the East, when the earth heats up and the glaciers in the Arctic are nearly melted, and the sleeping red giant stretches out. This red giant, with a yellow star on its forehead, will be so huge that it will block out all of the sky, and its strength will be strong enough to uproot mountains, and every time the ferocious giant takes a step, everyone will hide in fear at the sound. But it will come at a time when no one expects it, because the old serpent in the East is not dead, but alive.
a sudden great war will begin The people there will not be ready for it, and it will begin in a place they never expected Eventually the old serpent will be cut off by its tail and die completely, but soon the red giant will also destroy itself The seeming red here can be interpreted as China, and the old serpent as Japan Indeed, in recent years China has been growing in military and economic power to rival the United States. The death of the old snake with its tail cut off is also interpreted to mean the division and destruction of Japan. Eventually, Japan is expected to run out of steam and disappear or suffer a major disaster, which is in line with his previous prophecy that there will be a great punishment in the future. However, some people are concerned that the unprepared and unexpected place mentioned in the prophecy is South Korea.
After the old serpent is slain, all of Asia will be in turmoil; all nations will be torn apart and rejoined; great nations will become small nations, and small nations will become great nations; everything will be destroyed, and everything will be burned up; at that time, people's consciences will be gone, and any ruler will come in and ask for food; even if it is my own house, I will not be able to sleep alone. I will not be able to sleep alone, and I will not be able to eat alone, even if it is mine. But after this period of purification is over, all the energy will be completely shifted to the East, at which time the great migration of mankind will begin, and a great number of human beings will head to the East, and a new nation will lead the whole world, which will be the greatest power at the dawn of that great new era of 2000 years, and everyone will be grateful for God's blessings there will be happy with overflowing abundance There will also be peace in the spiritual and in the west, and this era of peace will last for a long time Most people speculate that a new influential nation will be established somewhere in a divided Asia Some have also suggested that the three nations mentioned in this prophecy are Korea.